Wednesday, April 13, 2011

An Irritated Rant.

There's a thin, but visible, line between selfishness and self preservation.It's great to be down for a friend and be willing to get dragged through the mud with them but at some point you have to start looking out for number one. Is it so wrong to care about yourself first? To think "what will happen to me?" before jumping in with them? Are you an awful person for stepping back and saying "I can't stand with you on this one."? Take it from someone who's looked past the indiscretions of others for years, it gets tiring. Especially when they refuse to admit that they were the one who created the problem. Why insist on blaming others for thinking what you have, on occasion, confirmed? Is what they're saying really so far fetched? How is it that more than a few people, who don't have a connection to each other, can reach the same conclusion? Mass hallucination? NO! You are the one who creates the image people have of you! I admit, I can see how things can be blown out of proportion, but at the root of it, it's easy to see how they could have come to the conclusion that they did. I've fought for you! Put myself, and my reputation, on the line for you! Gotten knee deep in the grave you insist on digging for yourself, trying to pull you out! At what point does it end? Am I to forever try to take three steps forward for every two you take back? Why am I even trying to help someone who adamantly refuses to help themselves? The point is, I'm tired of going into battle against others when all you put in my artillary are half truths and partial information. If you can't trust me enough to be perfectly straight with me, then I won't be willing to stay in your corner. Always remember, in every lie there is a grain of truth and in every rumor an ounce of credibility.

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